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It’s Galactic!: Scorpio Season, We’ve Been Waiting For You


Source: Charly Palmer | Telepathy

Cosmic Love Letter by Naimonu


White supremacy is tricky, but black folks are trickier. 

You are of a lineage of trickster magicians—a lineage of people who can fly—a lineage of people with stories to tell and much to share, like how to lift up your suffering so others can be guided by your light. Like how to twirl and duck and dodge and do whatever you need to do to thrive.

Our ancestors encoded us with the tools necessary to thrive during this extraordinary time. Phillis Wheatley wrote for the future, didn’t you know? She wrote for us and she wasn’t alone or unique in that regard.

Our people encoded technologies into language, music, tree roots, tall tales, salt waters and much more, so we could thrive in the here and now. They lament so when we look for answers outside of ourselves when they carved the incantations we seek into our bones. Right there—see?

Scorpio is a time of the ancestors—of the dead who came before and planned for our arrival. Ain’t a thing this strange world can place in your path that your people haven’t been known how to hop skip and jump their ways over, around, under and through with a flourish. What we cannot carry alone, our ancestors carry alongside us. Let your ancestors carry you through despair. Remember to ask them how to grieve and how to celebrate even during times like now. We know how to thrive, for we are encoded with this knowing. All we need to do is ask. 

All you need to do is ask.

What do you need to ask your ancestors for support on? What do we need to ask our collective ancestors—human and other than—for support on? 

And don’t give me no mess about not knowing where to start.

You, staring at me with the eyes of your great grandfather; turnin’ your mouth up at me with lips lovely like your forever ago auntie; showin’ off a beauty mark as beautiful today as it was one hundred years ago on someone who carried forward, blood and bones, tools and technologies, all you needed to thrive in this world. Don’t ask me where to start! Ask your nose. 

This Scorpio season, honor the ancestors, listen to their guidance and allow their love to nourish you. Listen when they tell you to rest, slow down, do less, take a nap, feel your body, feel your feelings and to cherish your own loveliness. Listen to their laughter, ringing out all around you and let their echoing majesty help you carry on another day, another day, another day. 



Naimonu is a non-binary (THEY/THEM) quantum astologer whose mission is to spread love across space and time. Can you feel it? Bless!

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