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Elijah McClain’s Family Awarded $15 Million In Lawsuit Settlement

Laugh Factory Hosts Candlelight Vigil To Demand Justice For Elijah McClain

Source: Rich Fury / Getty

Elijah McClain’s parents have received a hefty settlement from Aurora, Colorado regarding the federal civil rights lawsuit against the city over McClain’s death. The family has been awarded a $15 million settlement, the Washington Post reported. This is the largest amount ever awarded in the city’s history.

“The money is just the world’s way of saying, ‘We’re sorry,’ but it’s not going to help me heal the hole in my heart,” McClain’s mother Sheneen McClain said in a news release according to the Associated Press. 

Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson agreed that the millions of dollars won’t change anything but the changes being enforced within the police department will prevent something like this from happening again.

“There is nothing that can rectify the loss of Elijah McClain and the suffering his loved ones have endured,” Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson told the Post. “Significant changes have already occurred and will continue to be implemented.”

“I hope Elijah’s legacy is that police will think twice before killing another innocent person,” he said

McClain was walking home from a convenience store on August 24, 2019  with a ski-mask on due to his anemia symptoms. He was then approached by police officers who received a call from a bystander saying McClain looked suspicious. During his encounter with the police, McClain told officers he had to get home and to please leave him alone, the body camera shows. A police officer then put McClain in a chokehold for about 15 minutes. In body camera footage, the 23-year-old can be heard saying he can’t breathe, he doesn’t have a gun and that he is in pain.

An ambulance was also called to help the police restrain McClain. After paramedics arrived to the scene, McClain was injected with ketamine. He received 50% more ketamine than someone his size should receive.  McClain also vomited several times while in police custody. McClain was taken to a nearby hospital and had a heart attack on the way there. He then went into a coma. On August 30, he was taken off of life support after being declared brain dead.




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