We’re pulling up the midpoint of Autumn. This holiday season is upon us. It’s a joyous time for many but for others it’s a time of overwhelming stress that comes with less daylight, overstretched finances or family politics. For many, it’s a lot. This hoodoo reading provides the insight needed for you to focus on more than these cold weather blues, limited resources and messy family dynamics.
This three-card pull is a guide to improve your life.
- The first card represents the challenge you face in the most concerning area of life.
- The second card represents the most auspicious attitude or action you must take to resolve the issue.
- The third card represents the energy of this month’s affirmation to keep you present and grounded.
MADAMENOIRE collective read for November 2021:
The Pull
Nine of Sticks … Son of Knives … Three of Knives
Affirmation: “I give myself permission to feel pain and disappointment so that I may heal and move on”
Love To See It:
Don’t give up on a rocky relationship just yet. Before making rash decisions, reflect on whether you’ve seriously considered your partner’s suggestions regarding what needs to be realized to make things right. This card indicates people who drag baggage from past relationships and project their fears and insecurities onto new lovers. It’s unfair to both you and your current sweetheart. You’re obstructing what could be an opportunity to get it right.
If you’re unhappily single, take inventory of everything you have going for yourself and know there’s someone in the universe who complements you. You may have given up on yourself or on the possibility that you can have the fulfilling relationship you’ve desire. Sure, there are crappy unions that people endure just to avoid loneliness, but beautiful love stories exist as well. What have you been telling yourself that made you stop believing in the latter? Or even worse, what have you been telling yourself about why you can’t have it? There is someone for everybody so stop lying to yourself and be open. The key to success in either of these scenarios is to be unafraid of dealing with unpleasant, inconvenient, or complex emotions. Stop over intellectualizing things.
Health Is Wealth:
If you’ve been feeling unwell or burned out for any length of time, now is not the time to acquiesce to defeat. It‘s time to consider alternative therapies, a new diet, lifestyle change or possibly a second or third medical opinion. Ultimate success heavily depends on your ability to persevere despite all apparent odds. Don’t waste precious time and energy on negative thoughts that disguise themselves as practical or “realistic” ones. Life altering lucky breaks and miracles are also real. Claim it.
The Divine:
If you’ve been feeling stuck or confused spiritually, this may be an indication that you’ve been ignoring lessons the universe and the ancestors have been trying to teach you. Usually, we know what must be done to improve our lives but we make excuses for not making the necessary moves because its so hard. That is especially true when we know we’ve gone as far as we can with a philosophical perspective, group or practice and it’s time to journey on.
It’s especially difficult when that means other people may be hurt by our new position or already made the decision to go in another direction. That’s unfortunate but no good will come of clinging to a played-out version of yourself because it’s all you know or because people around you want you to stay where you’re at for their convenience. You’re grown, so act like it and have confidence that you know what’s best for you.
The Bag:
If career prospects aren’t looking great right now, it’s time to come up with a new strategy to get what you want. Your willingness to actively pursue education, a new job, networking opportunities or advice from learned people in your field must match your ambition. You won’t get what you’re seeking by sitting around with a long face or beefing to your friends about how much life sucks.
If you’re having money problems, it may be time to eliminate nonessentials, create a new budget or seek out a financial planner (or download an app that serves the same function) that will help you reach your goals. To succeed, you must be optimistic, productive, pro-active and patient.
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