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Try These 6 Hangover Meals If You’ve Had One Too Many Drinks

best hangover foods

Source: Mladen Zivkovic / Getty

If you feel like your hangovers have become increasingly worse as you’ve gotten older, you’re probably correct. VerifyThis.com confirms that certain metabolic processes and factors, like liver enzymes and total body water weight, decrease as we age, making it harder for our bodies to process alcohol. Other findings show that the increase in frequency and severity of hangovers likely also has to do with consuming less alcohol as we age, which makes us more sensitive to smaller amounts. No matter the science behind it, you just don’t want a hangover, right? They ruin your entire day (or two days, if you’re at that level). They destroy productivity. They make you feel like nothing is right in the world.

Fortunately, there are some foods that can help a hangover – both scientifically and anecdotally. You’ll want to keep these on hand before you pour that first drink. You know that once a hangover strikes, you can’t so much as effectively order food online. Here are the best hangover meals.


A Berry Smoothie

best hangover foods

Source: Simon McGill / Getty

The nice thing about smoothies when you’re hungover is that they don’t involve lots of pans and chopping boards. Just throw everything you want into a blender. And wear earplugs because your poor hungover brain won’t like the sound of a blender. Smoothies provide hydration quickly, which you desperately need after consuming tons of dehydrating alcohol. If you toss in lots of berries, you get the antioxidants your body craves after consuming toxic alcohol. While you’re at it, toss a banana in there for the electrolytes. Smoothies are also easy to consume in bed, so you can get back to watching Netflix under your comforter.


Watermelon Spinach Goat Cheese Salad

best hangover foods

Source: Elena Hramova / EyeEm / Getty

Okay, while a salad might not be exactly what you’re craving when you’re hungover, hear us out. Spinach is loaded with folate, which alcohol strips the body of. That can lead to headaches, feeling faint and other symptoms associated with a hangover. Spinach is admittedly not great on its own, but adding watermelon to this salad gives it a sweet twist. Watermelon has a high water content and can help with dehydration. It is also rich in L-citrulline, a nutrient that can help with blood flow, says the National Library of Medicine. The goat cheese adds the energizing protein you need and ties the whole thing together.


Bacon and Eggs

best hangover foods

Source: LauriPatterson / Getty

This simple classic breakfast might be just the ticket when you had one more martini than you should have. Bacon contains protein that can kick off neurotransmitters that help your brain start functioning properly again. But it’s not like anybody needed to convince you to chomp down on some tasty bacon. Eggs, on the other hand, might not sound too exciting but they do contain enzymes that help your body break down alcohol, says Medical News Today. Plus, you need something to eat with that bacon (yes, you do). And eggs are easy on the stomach.


Chicken Noodle Soup

best hangover foods

Source: Robin Gentry / EyeEm / Getty

You might think of this as a cure for the cold or flu, but this comforting dish is ideal for hangovers, too. Its high sodium and fluid content can help you rehydrate after a night of drinking. The protein from the chicken can boost your energy, too. Feel free to enjoy your soup with crackers, as these offer fast-acting carbohydrates for energy and blood sugar regulation. Consuming tons of alcohol tends to lead to a blood sugar spike, then blood sugar crash. Carbs will help offset the symptoms associated with low blood sugar.


Loaded Oatmeal

best hangover foods

Source: diane555 / Getty

When you feel like your head is going to explode into mush, make yourself a bowl of mush. Loaded oatmeal contains several components that help alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Oats are filled with nutrients that booze strips from your body like iron and magnesium, says the USDA. They’re also anti-inflammatory, and many of the symptoms you’re feeling are due to inflammation in the body. Sweeten your oatmeal with honey, which research has found can help your body eliminate alcohol quickly. Finally top it off with chopped walnuts, which are high in the magnesium of which alcohol robs your body.


A Virgin Bloody Mary

best hangover foods

Source: REDA&CO / Getty

Skip the vodka and enjoy a virgin bloody to fight the hangover you might have gotten from regular bloodies. The tomato juice in this beverage can fight dehydration and has antioxidants that your body loves after lots of toxic booze. It also contains compounds that protect the liver against damage. Consider putting some bacon in that bloody for a snack, since that’s one of our hangover-approved foods. You can also top it off with pickle spheres since pickles can help replenish your body with the electrolytes it loses through alcohol.

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