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Black Woman Hailed Hero For Saving Disabled Man During Buffalo Blizzard


Source: JOED VIERA / Getty


A Black woman in Buffalo is being hailed a hero for saving an elderly man after he got lost amid the state’s brutal snowstorm. On Christmas Eve, a woman named Sha’Kyra Aughtry rushed to help 64-year-old Joey after she and her boyfriend found him laying in a snow bank outside of their home crying for help.

According to Kimberly LaRussa of the “Sweet Buffalo” blog, Joey was so frozen, that Aughtry and her partner “had to cut his socks off” and “use a hairdryer to dry his pants that were frozen to his legs.”

Sha’Kyra Aughtry, a mother of three, fed Joey, washed his clothes, and gave him warm blankets as she tried to find medical assistance. The 64-year-old was also able to contact his family, thanks to the help of the good Samaritan.

Getting Joey to the hospital was no easy feat. Over the weekend Buffalo was slammed with more than 50 inches of snow and fierce blizzard conditions. Twenty-eight people died due to the massive winter storm, according to CNN. On Facebook, Aughtry pled with her followers to send help for Joey after she failed to reach authorities due to the severe weather. Within hours, officials arrived. The rescue team managed to plow through Aughtry’s driveway to take Joey to the hospital for further treatment.

According to LaRussa’s post, doctors said Joey had fourth-degree frostbite burns, which could have turned deadly if left untreated. He is currently still at the hospital seeking care for his injuries.

“Joey’s sister says Sha’Kyra Aughtry saved her brother’s life,” LaRussa’s thread read. “What she and her boyfriend did is an act of pure love. We’ve never seen a story like this before. It’s truly remarkable.”

In the comment section, social media users praised Aughtry and her boyfriend for their courageous efforts.

“What an incredible & selfless act on Sha’ Kyra & Trent’s part!” wrote one user. “Prayers for Joey as he is recovering & blessings to Sha’ Kyra & Trent for their humanitarian act. Reading this story warmed my heart.” While another person commented:

“What wonderful people they are. Warmed my heart and reminded me that good people still exist.”

A GoFund Me campaign identifies Joey, as 64-year-old Joe White. His sister believes that he grew scared after he left work at The North Park Theater to see the stormy winter weather. Joey, who is mentally disabled, tried to walk home through the storm, but he may not have understood the severity of the dangerous blizzard. His co-workers have launched a GoFundMe campaign to help with his medical needs. They also created a campaign to thank Sha’Kyra Aughtry for her bold act of courage. Consider donating here.


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