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Your time is precious. Never does that become more obvious than when you’re sitting on a date you do not want to be on, on your one – rare – free night that month, wishing you were at home snuggled up with your pet (or vibrator) and wondering when it’s polite to leave. The truth is that if you know this isn’t going anywhere, every minute spent on that date is also a waste of your date’s time. Of course, if they’re feeling you, they don’t know that. But you do, which is why you have to know how to cut a date short.
While it can seem abrupt, you’re doing everyone a favor if you cut the date short because you know there’s no future there. Now the question is, when is it appropriate to end a date early? And how on earth do you do it without dealing with drama? We divulge on both of these topics below. Here are reasons to cut a date short, and how to do it with class (sort of).
Reasons To Cut A Date Short
Reason #1: Major Catfishing Has Occurred
You simply have no obligation to remain on a date with someone who was dishonest about themselves in their profile. If this has happened, they know it. They’re just hoping you’re too polite to say something. Don’t let them take advantage of your kindness. If a completely different person from who appeard on the profile showed up for the date, you have the right to bail.
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