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Ghostface Killah’s Son Says Rapper Has ‘Ghosted’ His Children For Too Long: ‘The Full Definition Of A Deadbeat’

Ghostface Killah’s son, Infinite Coles, accused the Wu-Tang rapper of being an absentee deadbeat in a lengthy post shared on Instagram May 24. 

Infinite aired his grievances with his father from a place of despair regarding their estranged relationship.

He said, “I have never been the type to go online and talk about my personal life, my family or my emotions. However, today I’m giving an inside look into my broken heart — because I am feeling more lost and hopeless than I have ever been.”

Infinite, a musical artist in his own right, said he initially didn’t want to make their family situation public. However, the singer has grown weary of protecting a father that’s never done the same for him. 

The 20-something-year-old explained that he wasn’t seeking the world’s sympathy or Ghostface’s money. Instead, he vented his craving for his father’s love and attention. Infinite said those are things he’s wanted from Ghostface for a decade and a half. 

“I haven’t had a full conversation with you or seen you in over 15 years! You haven’t once tried to reach out to me to see how I’m feeling or how I’m doing. I have messages that literally show me reaching out to you and receiving no response for over a DECADE!”

“The legend that you all love, Ghostface Killah, is the full definition of a deadbeat,” Infinite bluntly stated.

“Dad, you let us live without light, gas or even communication from you for years. You have all this coin, and yet you allow my uncles to clean up your mess,” the exasperated son accused. “YOU do not give a damn about your children, and it’s time to lay this shit on the table.”

He highlighted that he lived in a shelter “for almost a year” during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The burgeoning singer shared that his rap legend dad never checked on them as another one of the rapper’s children battled issues with their mental health.

Infinite’s raw and well-penned message to his father also included how he felt Ghostface’s absence impacted him.

“Growing up, your cold shoulder made me scared of not only myself but of the world!” he told the 53-year-old Wu-Tang emcee, born Dennis Coles. 

The emotional letter noted that Infinite’s fear previously hindered him from wholeheartedly chasing his dreams.

“For many years, you made me hate myself until I developed the courage to snap the fuck out of it and realize that there was nothing wrong with me, but there’s everything wrong WITH YOU.”

“I can’t even say you’re only a deadbeat dad to me because I’m gay because you’re a deadbeat to all of your kids,” he continued. “What I’ve been seeking is the answer as to why? Is it because your father turned [his] back on you? WHYYYY do you LOVE everyone but your kids? It’s backwards, it’s ugly, it’s hurtful, and it’s HUMILIATING.”

The final paragraphs of the heartbroken son’s open letter implored Ghostface to participate in the lives of his children and grandchildren.

“This sense makes no sense!!” the vexed young heir expressed. “Why have kids if you’re not going to take care of them?”

Before a series of screenshots, including countless unanswered texts sent to his father, Infinite emotionally said, “YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING. You’ve ghosted us for far too long.” 

The singer wished Ghostface a Happy Father’s Day in the last text he shared in his post. Infinite told the “Supreme Clientele” rapper that he really wished they had a better relationship but that he loved him anyways.

The father of four replied, “Salaam, yeah, I know, me too!!! Thank you 🙏🏾. I love you too!!! Be safe wherever you are!!!!”

Read the post in its entirety below.

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