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Twitter’s Calling A Dentist Office Anti-Black For Its ‘No Bonnets’ Policy

A Facebook status that displayed a dentist office’s new anti-black rules for patients became a Twitter debate on May 17.

The post showed that the dental offices of Dr. Sutton had a “No Bonnets, No House  Shoes, No Pajama Bottoms” policy. The regulation further stated that they “will be happy to reschedule your appointment” if one shows up with any of these articles of clothing on.

The Facebook user who originally shared this picture, Sheila Hampton, was elated by the news, writing, “At my dentist office, and this was the first thing I noticed!! Definitely jumped for joy.”

While Hampton praised the dentist, commenters were not so enthused. Twitter user @allhailtinasnow re-shared the suspect status, calling the regulation “just anti-black as HELL.”

The account continued on a thread about the bonnet-hating business owner, revealing a photo of the alleged Dr. Sutton and an exterior photo of her offices.

In a final rant about the controversy, the tweeter further dragged the dentist for thinking they are above certain outfits in their business while the office itself is not in pristine condition.

“Her establishment is literally in the HOOD, in a trap house turned dentist office. Maybe, she should relocate to the demographic she prefers instead. IDC what you tap dancing niggeronis who are agreeing with her are saying actually.”

Sutton’s new policy is impacting the business in real life, too, as the account shared Google reviews that blasted the office for its focus on everything but fixing one’s teeth.

One reviewer wrote, “Will cancel your appointment for appearance. No matter how much pain you’re in.”

Following that review, another critic claimed,

“Literally anti-black why does it matter what I wear to get my teeth worked on????? What if I Told you you couldn’t wear a mask or a jacket to work on my mouth.”

Others against the suggested anti-black policy expressed their discontent with the post as well.



However, not all engaging with the post agreed that it was perpetuating racist standards, with @NoirKingCole arguing,

“It’s anti-black to be asked to dress properly? Stop it.”

Another supporter of Dr. Sutton’s rules, @dimpC2, quoted the tweet saying, “There’s too much low maintenance clothing to walk outside in pjs. Please be fr”

Other tweeters chimed in, agreeing that some clothes, such as bonnets, are not meant to be worn to the dentist.

What is considered “respectable” clothing is an ongoing conversation within the Black community, and this latest utterance only widened the divide on the issue.

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