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Tales From TikTok: Mom Vexed After Man Of 4 Years Slights Her 9-Year-Old Son On Christmas

An emotional Tales From TikTok from one mom has the internet shook with her story about how her boyfriend failed to follow up on their agreement to pass down his older son’s gaming computer to her 9-year-old son for Christmas. Still, she ensured he set up a new one at his older offspring’s house.

The TikToker under the username “sincerelybriii” posted the since-deleted video on Christmas morning.

According to Briana’s story, she and her boyfriend agreed to pass his older son’s gaming computer to her child.

“His older son’s getting a new one, and my son wanted one for Christmas,” Briana said. “I really didn’t want him to have it. I had reservations about him getting a computer. I think he’s a little too young. He’s only nine. But [her boyfriend] convinced me to let him have it. He thought that it would be a good financial decision, also a way for him to have what he wants with us not having to invest too much money.”

On Christmas Eve, Briana’s man arrived at his son’s house, set up his computer nicer than the one he requested, and took the old one.

“He gets the old computer. He brings it back. We have a dinner to go to, so we go to dinner. At dinner, we’re discussing…I bring up, like, okay, ‘So, what’s the plan?’ We had discussed it prior about a week ago, and the plan was we were going to put it together. Make sure his stuff was ready the night before while he was sleeping so he could wake up and play with his stuff.”

When she mentioned it to her boyfriend, he switched and threw out every excuse he could conjure up.

“He doesn’t feel like doing it now. His family’s in town. He wants to have some drinks with them, whatever, okay,” she said. “That was just not sitting well with me at all. That was not the plan. This is my son. I wanted him to wake up and enjoy his stuff just like his son gets to wake up [and] enjoy his stuff.”

Sticking up for her son, a rightfully pissed-off Briana questioned why his laziness had to impact her son’s Christmas. And it’s not like he was going to do the setup alone. They agreed to do it together.

The lazy comment angered him, and her boyfriend decided to be petty and suggested not giving her son the computer.

“We are at a girlfriend’s house eating dinner when this happens,” the upset mother clarified. So, I have to pull together and, in my mind, I’m trying to figure out, okay, how am I going to handle this?”

Briana returned home and finished the job because the computer was her son’s big gift.

“The other stuff was to supplement the computer,” she said.

In an emotional state, Briana began assembling the computer desk and chair. When her boyfriend noticed, he had the nerve to say, “I don’t know what you need a computer desk for when you ain’t got no computer.”

Briana racked her brains for a story to tell her son to avoid ruining his Christmas. She thought about telling him that the computer didn’t come and that they would get it from the electronics store. 

“I was really hoping that I would wake up in the morning and he would still have that computer on that computer desk,” the TikToker expressed. “I wanted more for my son. To not wake up to nothing for Christmas. So, I was up all night. I was tired. I was the last one up.”

The boyfriend came to her and asked if she would get out of bed since her son was awake.

“I go look in the room. There is nothing on the computer stand,” she realized. “I say all of this to say, obviously, this isn’t going to work out. But I just need you to understand, like, do not play with nobody’s kids.”

Before deleting the video, her boyfriend took to the comments to affirm things were good.

“Everything has been made right,” he said. “Plus, I got some today. This is entertainment. I can’t wait for y’all to see part 2.”

As for the computer, her boyfriend said he was getting a new one. Briana said she took the post down because of the extensive hate her boyfriend received.

Onlookers were torn, with some blaming the boyfriend and encouraging the sister to leave. Others claimed she put herself in the position by not getting the computer herself and entrusting her boyfriend with her son’s Christmas present.

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